i adore audrey niffenegger; my adoration was based upon the time traveler's wife; a book that i could not put down for the life of me, when i read it many years ago. i refuse to see the movie, because i believe the one i have created in my mind is far superior.
so it was with great excitement and anticipation that i picked up her fearful symmetry. and almost immediately, i was in love with the characters, and with the story. ms. niffenegger once again transported me to another head space, and putting down this book proved difficult.
the story is about twins, julia and valentina, who are as close as can me. their aunt, who they have never met (and is their mother's twin), died, and left them her flat in london, with two conditions. they had to live in it for a year before selling it, and their parents could not enter it.
what unfolds is a ghost story, love story, and really, at the end, a tragedy.
there was so much development of this story, and it could of gone in many directions. sadly, it felt as if the author ran out of steam near the end, and so the book ends, and i sat there, wanting it to be so much more.