SO I read two series before the end of last year.
They are for children but are addictive full length reads. Plus I got to enter the weird and sometimes wonderful world of young adult fiction. Most of it is crap but these were great.
The first two books were out of a trilogy (third one not out until late summer and I find myself waiting actively).

are kind of heady

violent twisted reads. I had to remind myself that kids were reading lord of the flies and other kinds of intense books when i was a kid. the set up is a female heroine. two kids from each district are chosen out of a lottery each year to go to a natural setting arena and fight until only one of say 30 is left alive. that child is the winner. the government is your typical evil oppressive machine. the games are watched by the capitol with glee and sponsorship. both books were great reads with lots to think about at that age. the only problem i have with them is if a kid reads them with no guided reflection, the books are quite violent, especially because the pawns are children, and if you don't take anything more away with you than the thrill, it's kind of a twisted violence.
The second series (Percy Jackson) I read was for younger kids, like 12-14. The main characters are demi-gods (one greek god as a parent, 1 human parent). The books are filled with

adventure and all kinds of greek mythology set in present time. Since I was obsessed with greek mythology when I was a kid, I loved these.

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