I loved this book. It is in fact the first book I have read in a really long time that sang. It moved me, I cannot recommend it enough. It has become one of my top 30 books. I can't tell you how satisfying it was to finally read something that didn't disappoint me a little bit. The premise is wrapped around 9/11 - which is historically a tough event for fiction. The main character is a child who's father died in the towers - this is not giving anything away - it begins after this happened. But his father used to send him on scavenger hunts - and he finds something after the death that leads him on a scavenger type hunt throughout new york city. There is so much more, and it is heart wrenching. I cried a lot. I could have cried the whole read through. The references to heavy boots are a poignant example throughout the novel. There are also photographs in the book that are amazing - not in quality but in content. And letters and words. The final sequence of photographs is one of the most powerful endings to a book I have ever found. I know I am probably over effusing but I would really like you to read this.
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